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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Tennyson Close Analysis
Tennyson was distributed in 1830 and is the content I have decided to do intently dissect. The topic of the sonnet was taken from one of Shakespearean plays titled â€Å"Measure for Measure†, and the line: â€Å"Marina in the mooted grange,†gave Tennyson the motivation to compose of a young lady hanging tight for her sweetheart. The two writings share a typical subject of relinquishment, as in Shakespearean play the young lady is likewise determinedly anticipating the arrival of her darling Angelo after his renunciation after finding her loss of dowry.Similarly to Shakespearean content, Marianne needs activity or any account development, the whole sonnet filling in as an all-inclusive portrayal of the despairing disengagement a young lady encounters while pining for her empty sweetheart. The language, meter, arrangement and tone of the sonnet add to the characteristic subjects of segregation, passing and rot, which I will intently look at in this nearby understanding a ctivity. Not at all like some of Tennyson different works, for example, Ulysses, Marianne doesn't have an emotional monolog in spite of the fact that it features a refrain.This strategy secludes Marina from us, and the sonnet being written in a third individual expressive story makes the title master unfit to phonetically control her own sonnet. The abstain is the main part inside the sonnet wherein Marina can stand up legitimately to the peruser just as the main type of discourse: in the principal verse, line's 9-12 â€Å"My life is grim/He cometh not' she said:/She stated, ‘l am areaway, areaway, I would that I were dead! Her franticness is apparent to the peruser, and ‘she said' being written in past tense is huge since we are left pondering of her destiny because of her hopelessness. The abstain experiences minor changes all through the sonnet, giving a little part of pope to both the peruser and Marina who is stuck in a dreary pattern of gloom. In the second, third and fourth verse she shifts back and forth between ‘day, night and light', in the last 9-12 lines of the verse, accentuates that nothing truly changes since her sentiments of being ‘areaway proceed with paying little mind to the hour of day.In the last verse, in the 9-twelfth lines, the cease changes drastically from the consistent and constant hold back the peruser had gotten acquainted with. Marina presently Weeps' rather than ‘says' and asks ‘God' to end her wretchedness, accordingly the request is not, at this point a desire yet a petition and an intrigue, implying the conclusion to all expectation. She is currently certain that ‘he' will stay away for the indefinite future and her acknowledgment of this show she acknowledges it. The utilization of the pronoun ‘he' in the hold back is fascinating. We never become familiar with ‘his' name or of his reality hence his quality in the sonnet is very ambiguous.It could be that Marina is simpl y hanging tight for a sweetheart who has abandoned her, or that ‘he' could be representative of a male predominant society that doesn't support her. The hold back shapes larger part of the sonnet as it permits the peruser to comprehend Marina's emotions, though the language and the setting just fill in as a representation for her inside anguish and detachment. Despite the fact that the sonnet is static, which means it includes no activity, the pitiable misrepresentation and embodiment of the setting is an impression of Marina's mental rot just as the world that she inhibits.In the primary verse, from lines 1 to 7, Marina's environmental factors are depicted as ‘blackest', ‘rusted', ‘broken', Weeded and worn', and ‘lonely. Everything that is man-made is in a condition of rot, emblematic for Marina's own falling apart and disappointment of men. The versifying tetrameter, which sets the cadenced, monotonous tone of the sonnet, is continually hindered by th e hold back at he end of every refrain, emblematic to how Marianne can never feel quiet and is consistently in a condition of mental unrest.The three four-line rhyme units example of ABA CDC BEEF capture the peruser, since the E and F basically continue as before in every verse, which matches with Marina's own ensnarement. Words, for example, ‘shrieks and ‘cricked' in the 6th refrain between on line 2 and 5, are Tennyson utilization of likeness in sound to additionally include the peruser in how Marina is feeling by utilizing brutal and entering sounds. Through close examination there are indications of expectation Marina ingrains in us for both her destiny and the arrival of her lover.In the primary refrain on line 6, it is portrayed that ‘unlisted was the clunking hook' stressing her desire for his arrival, and in the subsequent verse on line 8, when she ‘glanced athwart the gloaming pads,' in spite of the fact that the utilization of ‘gloaming' is a grim anticipating, Marina watches her environmental factors as though she is trusting that an officer will come back from the combat zone and into her open arms. Be that as it may, as Marina break down and trust bombs her, so does the language in the poem.In the 6th verse between lines 6 and 8, Marina plunges into franticness as her home gets spooky by ‘old faces, glinted thro' the entryways, [old toasters, trod the upper floors, [old voices called her from without. ‘ The utilization of past tense with ‘glimmered' and ‘called' implies that Marianne is as yet living previously, as her moxie streams in reverse. She recalls more joyful occasions since she is spooky, and the mental inversions just as physical crumbling move in equal request, making overpowering feeling of degeneration and loss.In the last verse, the sparrow's chirrup on the rooftop, [the moderate clock ticking,' this first and second line stuck out. ‘The sparrow is representative since it i s an indication of looming demise, in Christian homeboys the sparrow was viewed as offering made by individual with no methods. With respect to the ‘slow clock ticking, this can be deciphered for the absence of time and the sonnet's consistent round movement before arriving at its peak in the last refrain. In any case, on the grounds that the clock is going to stop it could likewise have the multifaceted nuance for Marina's approaching death.Another abstract image that Tennyson uses to draw up on Marina's longing for her sweetheart is the polar tree. The polar tree is a great image of the maverick darling and his messed up guarantee; it tends to be deciphered as a phallic image since it gives he just break in the in any case infertile and level scene. Inside exemplary folklore the poplar tree is utilized in the content Metamorphoses, where Ovid depicts how None, abandoned by Paris, addresses the poplar on which Paris has cut his vow not to abandon her. This understanding is ap plicable to the reoccurring topic of surrender and detachment inside the poem.In the fourth refrain, the fifth line presents the poplar tree as the ‘Hard by a poplar shook rear entryway's silver-green with contorted bark additionally making it's presence sound unpredictable and crumbling using ‘gnarled bark and ‘silver-green', these descriptive words making it unappealing in the psyche of the peruser. Marina desires for the organization of her past sweetheart, so when she sees the breezy shadow influence,' in the accompanying fourth line of the fifth verse, this is the rest of the sexual predominance her darling had over her and his nonappearance in her life which has been supplanted by this forlorn tree.The certainty that she is as yet pining over his opportunity shows that he despite everything holds control over her and can control her, which could be said of ladies in the public eye being heavily influenced by men during Tennyson time. The poplar tree's disconn ection frequents Marina even in rest, since it endlessly fills in as a rest of the person who will never come. Passing is likewise a noticeable theme all through the sonnet, as ‘dead' is rehashed in the last line of each verse in the refrain.In the peaking, last verse of the sonnet, Tennyson composed on the 6th line ‘but she abhorred the hour/When the thick-mooted sunbeam lay, this expression is underlined by the caesura legitimately before it, and the relatively period lacking accentuation which follows. The words thick and ‘lay give the peruser the feeling that Marina's reality is covered in dust, recommending that it is ethical quality which burdens her since her life is distressing and abusive. This thought is additionally underlined continuously attracting to a nearby when Tennyson wrote in the keep going refrain on the eighth line, ‘and the Dallas slanting toward his western grove. The symbolism here is reminiscent of the sun setting and her moving towa rds Angelo since the meaning of light has to do with living and mortality. The completion of the day, and the drawing of the sonnet can be deciphered as the consummation of Marina's own life. Taking everything into account, quite a bit of Tennyson arrangement of the character Marina can be viewed as his very own projection mental issues. His incredible utilization of symbolism and lamentable false notion represents the battle Marina faces among life and demise as she constantly anticipates her sweethearts return.
Friday, August 21, 2020
What You Should Know About Issues in Sociology
What You Should Know About Issues in SociologyWhen it comes to sociology, it is important to understand issues in sociology. There are some people who are not aware of issues in sociology and they find them to be something that is not related to the world around them. The same could be said about issues in sociology.If you would like to know more about issues in sociology, you can find information on various websites dealing with sociological studies. It is also advisable to check out websites that deal with some sociological studies as well. Sociological research is usually categorized into two fields: social and personality. Personality psychology is the study of the psychological makeup of people, while social psychology deals with the psychological aspects of social relationships. As an example, social psychological science or SPS is different from personality psychology because personality psychology deals with how a person thinks and behaves.Aside from the types of sociological studies, it is also important to know what people think about sociological matters. This can be done by asking people. However, it is important to note that the information given can only be known by those who take part in the survey. This means that the answer given can not be generalized and it can only be compared between individuals.You can use sociological surveys to learn about issues in sociology. A lot of people participate in sociological surveys to find out more about social and personality psychology. It is also an option to read a number of articles and blog posts to see what is said about issues in sociology.If you want to know more about sociological surveys, you can find a lot of information about them online. You will also be able to find a lot of opinion articles and discussions on the matter. You can also find a lot of web log discussions on issues in sociology.One of the benefits of taking sociological surveys is that you will be able to gather your own knowledge about issues in sociology. What is important is that you will be able to relate this knowledge to your own knowledge so that you can better understand the things that you have learned in the course of your studies.Apart from the type of sociological studies that you have taken, you should also understand the values that they represent. For example, it is important to note that there are differences between theories. There are also different definitions for the concepts. For example, some people consider the property to be just a set of objects, while others believe that it is an entity that is attached to an individual.Because there are many levels of issues in sociology, it is important to make sure that you learn and apply all the information you have. It is also important to know your limits because you should never forget that there are some people who are not willing to hear what you have to say.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
The Stock Index Price And Economic Growth Indicators - Free Essay Example
Whether national economy is affecting the stock market or other way round? A lot of studies have done on the past what are relationship of these variables. In my work I have used cointegration and Granger Causality method to find out the relationship between the stock index price and Economic growth indicator GDP. Introduction The debate of whether stock market is associated with economic growth or the stock market can be served as the economic indicator to predict future. According to many economists stock market can be a reason for the future recession if there is a huge decrease in the stock price or vice versa. However, there are evidence of controversial issue about the ability of prediction from the stock market is not reliable if there is a situation like 1987 stock market crashed followed by the economic recession and 1997 financial crises. (Stock market and economic growth in Malaysia: causality test). The aim of the study is to find the relation between the stock market performance and the real economic activity in case of four countries The UK, The USA, Malaysia and Japan. With my limited knowledge I have tried to find out the role of financial development in stimulating economic growth. A lot of economists have different view about stock market development and the economic growth. If we focus on some related literature published on this topic one question arises: Is economic development is affected by stock market development? Even though there are lots of debate on some are saying that stock market can help the economy but the effect of stock market in the economy especially in the economy is very little. Ross Levine suggested in his paper published in 1998 that recent evidence suggested stock market can really give a boom to economic growth. (REFERENCE) It is not really possible to measure the growth by simply looking at the ups and down in the stock market indicator and by looking at the rates of growth in GDP. A lot of things can cause in the growth of stock market like changes in the banking system, foreign participation in the in the financial market may participate strongly. Apparently it seems that these developments can cause development of stock market followed by the good economic growth. But to check the accuracy one required to follow an appr opriate method which would meaningfully measure whether stock price is really effecting the economic growth or not? In my work I have tried to find out the co integrating relationship between Stock price and GDP and tried to check if there is a long run and short run relationship between the stock price and GDP. The method used for the studies is Engle Granger co integration method. To do this I have used ADF (Augmented Dickey Fuller Test) to check for the stationary behaviour of the variables and then I have performed the Engle Granger Engle Granger co integration method followed by residual based error correction model. To check for the short run relationship I have used 2nd stage Engle Granger co integration method. To check the causal effect of the four countries stock market and economic growth I used Granger Causality Method. In this paper I have reviewed some studies of scholars which I have discussed on the literature review part. This paper contains five parts P art two is about the literature based on the past wok of scholars. Part Three discussed about the Data. Part four is about the methodology, Results are discussed on part five and part six is all about the summary and conclusion of the whole study. In my work I have founded there is no long run relationship between stock market and economic growth in all four countries. In addition there is no causal relation between stock index yield and the national economy growth rate. The empirical results of the thesis concludes that the possibility of seemingly abnormal relationship between the stock index and national economy of these for countries. Literature Review: Stock market contributes to economic growth in different ways either directly or indirectly. The functions of stock market are savings mobilization, Liquidity creation, and Risk diversification, keep control on disintermediation, information gaining and enhanced incentive for corporate control. The relationship between stock market and economic growth has become an issue of extensive analysis. There is always a question whether the stock market directly influence economic growth. A lot of research and results shows that there is a strong relationship between stock market and economic growth. Evidence on whether financial development causes growth help to reconcile these views. If we go back to the study of Schumpeter (1912) his studies emphasizes the positive influence on the development of a countrys financial sector on the level and the potential risk of losses caused by the adverse selection and moral hazard or transaction costs are argued by him how necessary the rate of gro wth argues that financial sectors provides of reallocating capital to minimize the potential losses. Empirical evidence from king and Levine (1983) show that the level of financial intermediation is good predictor of long run rates of growth, capital accumulation and productivity. Enhanced liquidity of financial market leads to financial development and investors can easily diversify their risk by creating their portfolio in different investments with higher investment. Another study from Levine and Zervos (1996) using the data of 24 countries found that a strong positive correlation between stock market development and economic growth. Their expanded study on 49 countries from 1976-1993, they used Stock Market liquidity, Economic growth rate, Capital Accumulating rate and output Growth Rate. They found that all the variables are positively correlated with each other. Demiurgic and Maksimovic (1996) have found positive causal effects of financial development on economic gro wth in line with the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"supply leading hypothesis. According to his studies countries with better financial system has a smooth functioning stock market tend to grow much faster as they have access to much needed funds for financially constrained economic enterprises by the large efficient banks. Related research was done for the past three decades focusing on the role of financial development in stimulating economic growth they never considered about the stock market. An empirical study by Ming Men and Rui on Stock market index and economic growth in China suggest that possible reason of apparent abnormal relationship between the stock Index and national economy in china. Apparent abnormal relationship may be because of the following reason inconsistency of Chinese GDP with the structure of its stock market, role played by private sector in growth of GDP and disequilibrium of finance structure etc. The study was done using the cointegration method and Granger caus ality test, the overall finding of the study is Chinese finance market is not playing an important role in economic development. (Men M 2006 China paper). An article by Indrani Chakraborti based on the case of India presented in a seminar in kolkata in October, 2006 provides some information about the existence of long run stable relationship between stosk market capitalization, bank credit and growth rate of real GDP. She used the concept of the granger causality after using both the Engle-Granger and Johansen technique. In her study she found GDP is co-integrated with financial depth, Volatility in the stock market and GDP growth is co integrated with all the findings the paper explain that the in an overall sense, economic growth is the reson for financial development in India.(Chakraboty Indrani). Few writers from Malaysia found that stock market does help to predict future economy. Stock market is associated with economic growth play as a source for new private capital. C ausal relationship between the stock market and economic growth which was done by using the formal test for causality by C.J. Granger and yearly Malaysia data for the period 1977-2006. The result from the study explain that future prediction is possible by stock market. A study focused on the relationship between stock market performance and real economic activity in Turkey. The study shows existence of a long run relationship between real economic activity and stock pricesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Result from the study pointed out that economic activity increases after a shock in stock prices and then declines in Turkish market from the second quarter and a unitary (Turkish paper) An international time series analysis from 1980-1990 by By RAGHURAM G. RAJAN AND LUIGI ZINGALES shows some evidence of the relation between stock market and economic growth. This paper describes whether economic growth is facilitated by financial development. He found that financial development has strong effect on economic growth. (Rajan and Zingales, 1998) The study of Ross LEVINE AND SARA ZERVOS on finding out the long run relationship between stock market and bank suggest a positive effect both the variables has positive effect on economic growth. International integration and volatility is not properly effected by capital stock market. And private save saving rates are not at all affected by these financial indicators. The study was done on 47 countries data using cross sectional analysis. In theory the conventional literature on growth was not sufficient enough to look for the connection between financial development and economic growth and the reason is they were focused on the steady state level of capital stock per workerof productivity. And they were not really concentrated on the r ate of growth. Actually the main concern was legitimated to exogenous technical progress. (Levine and Zervos 1998) Belgium Stock market study with economic development shows the positive long run relationship between both the variables. In case of Belgium the evidences are quiet strong that Economic growth is caused by the development of the stock market. It is more focused between the period 1873 and 1935; basically this period is considered as the period of rapid industrialization in Belgium. The importance of the stock market in Belgium is more pronounced after liberalization of the stock market in 1867-1873. The time varying nature of the link between stock market development and economic growth is explained by the institutional change in the stock exchange. They also tried to find out the relationship to the universal banking system. Before 1873 the economic growth was based on the banking system and after 1873 stock market took the place. (Stock Market Development and econo mic growth in Belgium, Stijin Van Nieuwerburg, Ludo Cuyvers, Frans Buelens July 5, 2005) Senior economist of the World Banks Policy research department Ross Levine has discussed about Stock market in his paper Stock Markets: A Spur to economic growth on the impact of development. Less risky investments are possible in liquid equity market and it attracts the savers to acquire an asset, equity. As, they can sell it quickly when they need access to their savings, and if they want to alter their portfolio. Though many long term investment is required for the profitable investment. But reluctance of the investors towards long term investment as they dont have the access to their savings easily. Permanent access to capital is raised by the companies through equity issues as they are facilitating longer term, more profitable investments and prospect of long term economic growth is enhanced as liquid market improves the allocation of capital. The empirical evidence from the study strong ly suggests that greater stock markets create more liquidity or at least continue economic growth. (Levine. R A spur to economic Growth) A lot of research has established that future economic growth is influenced by countrys financial growth, stock market index returns are another factor of economic growth. The researcher focused to extend their study; they tie together these two strings and started analyzing the relationship between banking industry, stock returns and future economic growth. Research was done on 18 developed and 18 emerging markets and the results are positive and noteworthy relationship between future GDP and stock returns. Few important features can also be predicted such as bank-accounting-disclosure standards, banking crises, insider trading law enforcement and government ownership of banks. (Bank stock returns and economic growth q Rebel A. Cole a, Fariborz Moshirian b,*, Qiongbing Wu c a Department of Finance, DePaul University, Chicago, IL 60604, USA b School of Banking and Finance, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia c Newcastle raduate School of Business, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW 2300, Australia Received 29 September 2006; accepted 26 July 2007Available online 21 September 2007) Another paper was focused on the linkages between financial development and economic growth using TYDL model for the empirical exercises by Purna Chandra Padhan suggests that both stock price and economic activity are integrated of order one and Johansen-Juselias Coin-integration tests for this study found one co integrating vector exists. It is proved by the spurious relation rule in this study the existence of at least one direction of causality. He described that bi-directional causality between stock price and economic growth meaning that economic activity can be enhanced by well developed stock exchange and vice-versa. ( Title: The nexus between stock market and economic activity: an empirical analysis for India Author(s): Purna Chandra Padhan Journal: International Journal of Social Economics Year: 2007 Volume: 34 Issue: 10 Page: 741 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 753 DOI: 10.1108/03068290710816874 Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited) Chee Keong Choong (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Malaysia) Zulkornain Yusop (Universiti Putra Malaysia) Siong Hook Law (Universiti Putra Malaysia) Venus Liew Khim Sen (Universiti Putra Malaysia) Date of creation: 23 Jul 2003 Tried to find out the importance of the causal relationship of Financial development and economic growth. The findings of their study usin autoregressive Distributed lag (ARDL) describes about the positive long run impact on economic growth Granger causality also suggest same results. A study by Randall Filler(2000) using 70 countries data over the period 1985-1997 proves that there is a very little relationship between economic growth and stock market especially in developing countries and currency appreciation has occurred. From the result of the study we can see that an important role may be played by the stock market in an economy, and these are not essential for economic growth. However, another study on Iran by N. Shahnoushi, A.G Daneshvar, E Shori and M. Motalebi 2008 Financial development is not considered as an effective factor to the economic growth. The study was focused on the causal relationship between the financial development and economic growth. Time series data used for the study from the period 1961-2004. Granger causality shows there is no co integrating relationship between financial development and economic growth in Iran only the economical growth leads to financial development. Establishing link between savings and investment is very much important and financial market provides that. Transient or lasting growth is the ultimate affect of the financial market. Economic growth can be influenced by financial market by improving the productivity of the capital, Investment to firms can be channelled and greater capital accumulation by increasing savings. To ensure the stability of the financial market potential regulation is important due to asymmetric information, especially at the time of financial liberalizat ion. (Economic Development and Financial Market Tosson Nabil Deabes Moderm Academy for technology aand computer sciences; MAM November 2004 Economic Development Financial Market Working Paper No. 2 ) Data: The empirical analysis was carried out using the quarterly data for The UK, The USA, Japan and Malaysia. The data were collected from the DataStream for the period 1993I to 2008III. Economic growth is measured as the growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) of each country with the help of stock prices SP. For the software processing I used Eviews 6.0 for the planned regression in order to get the results. The empirical analysis is done from the quarterly data from the stock market indices and the and the GDP between the first quarter of 1993 and the fourth quarter of 2008. All the data has been extracted from the data stream and expressed in US$. The data for Japan share price is from Tokyo Stock Exchange. Malaysias Share price is form Kuala Lumpur Composite Index, UKs is from UK FT all share price index and USA share price is taken from the DOW Jones industrial share price index. The nature of the Data is series used for the time series regression. List of Variables: UGDP UK GDP USP UK Share price LUGDP Log of UK GDP LUSP Log of UK Share price USGDP USA GDP USSP USA (DOW Jones) Share price LUSGDP Log of USA GDP LUSSP Log of USA Share price MGDP Malaysia GDP MSP Malaysia Share price LMGDP Log of Malaysia GDP LMSP Log of Malaysia Share price JGDP Japan GDP JSP Japan Share Price LJGDP Log of Japan GDP LJSP Log of Japan Share price Methodology: Cointegration long term common stochastic trend between non stationary time series. If non-stationary series x and yare both integrated of same order and there is a linear combination of them that is stationary, they are called co integrated series. A common stochastic trend is shared in Cointegration. It follows that these two series will not drift apart too much, meaning that even they may deviate from each other in the short-term, they will revert to the long-run equilibrium. This fact makes cointegration a very powerful approach for the long-term analyses. Meanwhile, cointegration does not imply high correlation; two series can be co integrated and yet have very low correlations. Cointegration tests allow us to determine whether financial variables of different national markets move together over the long run, while providing for the possibility of short-run divergence. The first step in the analysis is to test each index series for the presence of unit roots, which shows wh ether the series are nonstationary. All the series must be nonstationarity and integrated of the same order. To do this, we apply both the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. Once the stationarity requirements are met, we proceed Granger bivariate cointegration (1987) procedure. 30 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics Issue 24 (2009) Series Stationary Test: In this study I have used Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF) to test the stationary of variables. The unit root test is usually used to confirm stationary of a series. The ADF is test for unit root where I have checked the Unit root and strong negative numbers of unit root is being rejected by the null hypothesis (level of significance). In this study I have used Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF) to check whether the series is stationary or not. ADF test is based on the estimate of the following regression: is in this case variable of interest = , is the differencing operator, t is the time trend and is the random component of zero mean and constant variance. The parameters to be estimated are { } Null and alternative hypothesis of unit root test are: , () () Here with the test we can find the estimates of are equal to zero or not. Y is said to be stationary if the cumulative distribution of the ADF statistics by showing that if the calculated ratio of the coefficient is less than the critical value according to Fuller (1976). If we accept the Ho the sequence is predicted to be having unit root and if Ho is rejected then we can say that the series doesnt have unit root. This proves that the series is stationary. The coà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"integration test can only be performed if both the sequences are all integrated of order I (1). Cointegration Test: Engle and Granger (1987) first established the cointegration method. It is a method of measuring long term diversification based on data. Linear combination of two non stationary series shows that they are integrated in order one I(1) that is stationary. And this is a co integrated series. Cointegration Long term common random trend between non stationary time series. The linear combination of both the non stationary series can be stationary if both the variables are integrated in same order. Cointegration is a very powerful approach in the long term analysis because a common stochastic trend is shared in cointegration that mean two series will not drift separately too much. They might deviate from each other but in the long run but eventually the will revert back in the long run. If there is very low correlation between the series still the series can be co-integrated as high correlation is not implied in cointegration. The reason for choosing the method as it will allow us to check the move between the variable in the long run even there might be a divergence in the short run. The first step in the analysis is check each index series whether the series for the presence of unit root which shows whether the series is non stationary. The method that I followed to do this is Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF). I proceed the Granger cointegration technique 1987 when the stationary requirements are met. According to Engle and Granger (1987) to check for cointegration if both the variables and are integrated with order one the proposed method for cointegration residual-based test for cointegration (Engle-Granger method). So from the above method we can find the equation By regressing with And after that and is denoted as the estimated regression coefficient vectors. After that I saved the residual from the above equation. Then, = à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" is representing the estimated residual vector. If the residual is integrated with order z ero that means the series for the residual is stationary, and and are then co integrated and vice versa. I have checked it by performing Augmented Dickey fuller test on the residual series on level value with intercept only of each country. An in this situation (1, -) is called co-integrating vector if the series is stationary. Therefore is a co integrating equation, so, from it we can say that there is long run relationship between and. Granger causality test: Granger causality test is applied if the relationship is lagged between the two variables to determine the direction of relation in statistical term. It gives information about the short term relationship between the variables. In terms of conceptual definition causality is consist of different ideas, this concept produce a relation between caused and results were agreed upon. Aristo defines that there exist a link between causes and results and without causes these results are impossible. And this is strong relationship. Some economists believe that the idea of causality is the mix of both theoretical and explanation and statistical concept. The frontline operational definition of causality is given by some economist, but Granger is the one who provided the information to understand it correctly and completely. Granger causality approach (1969), lets think the variable y is Economic Growth (GDP) and x is Stock price index, if it is possible to predict the past values of y and x than from the lagged values of y alone. X is said to be granger caused by and y is helping in predicting it. in case of a simple bivariate model, causality can be tested between stock market growth and economic growth. Granger causality run on the basis of the following bivariate regressions of the form: (1) (2) Where GDP denotes economic growth and SP denotes the stock price index and they explain the changes in growth. Variables are expressed in logarithm form. The distribution of and are uncorrelated by assumption. From the equation one it can be said that current GDP is related to lagged values of itself and as well as that of SP. And equation 2 postulates same kind of behaviour for SP. Both the equations can be obtained by ordinary least squares (OLS). The f statistics are the Wald statistics for the joint hypothesis: and F test is carried out for the null hypothesis of no Granger causality. The formula of f statistic is Lagged term is defined here b y m; number of parameter is defined as k. Test result for Unit Root: Augmented Dickey Fuller Model (ADF) is used to test the stationary of each variable. Null and alternative hypothesis describes about the investigation of unit root. If the null is accepted and alternative is rejected then the variable non stationary behaviour and vice versa is stationary. Variables level/1st Difference  Augmented Dickey Fuller Statistic(ADF) test Japan  t statistic value With Trend t statistic value With trend and Intercept 1% 5% 10% 1% 5% GDP Level -2.653258 -3.522887 Â -2.901779 -2.588280  -2.693600  -4.088713  -3.472558 1st Difference -9.053185 -3.524233  -2.902358 -2.588587 -9.003482  -4.090602  -3.473447 Share Price Level  -2.116137 -3.522887 Â -2.901779 -2.588280  -2.203273  -4.088713  -3.472558 1st Difference  -6.899295 -3.524233  -2.902358 -2.588587  -6.844396  -4.090602  -3.473447 Table 01: Unit root test for stationary Japan If we have a look on the unit root test for the variables GDP and Share price to find out the stationary behaviour the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test with intercept and with intercept and trend in level and first difference. The t statistic value with trend is -2.653258 which is higher than the critical values in 1%, 5% and 10% critical value. The same applies with intercept and trend as the t statistic value -2.693600 is higher than the critical value in all the level of critical value. So from the nature of stationary behaviour we can say in level GDP shows nonstationary behaviour. And the first difference LnGDP is integrated with order one. In case of LnSP the results with intercept and with intercept trend in level are -2.116137 and -2.203273 which is higher than the critical values shows non stationary behaviour as they are higher than the critical value. The unit root test for the variables at first difference shows stationary as the t statistic value is than the critical value in all level and they are integrated in order one. Variables level/1st Difference  Augmented Dickey Fuller Statistic(ADF) test Malaysia  t statistic value With Trend t statistic value With trend and Intercept 1% 5% 10% 1% 5% GDP Level -1.195020 -3.522887 Â -2.901779 -2.588280 -1.933335  -4.088713  -3.472558 1st Difference -5.951843 -3.524233  -2.902358 -2.588587 -5.923595  -4.090602  -3.473447 Share Price Level  -1.900406 -3.522887 Â -2.901779 -2.588280  -1.891183  -4.088713  -3.472558 1st Difference  -7.842122 -3.524233  -2.902358 -2.588587  -7.779757  -4.090602  -3.473447 The unit root test result for LMGDP and LMSP values presented in natural logarithm. And the level values with intercept and with intercept and trend for LMGDP is -1.195020 and -1.93335 respectively. The values are higher than the critical value means the series has non stationa ry behaviour. On the other hand the 1st difference values with intercept and with intercept and trend are -5.951843 and -5.923595 respectively. The 1st difference values are integrated with order one. And in the same way I did the ADF test to check for Stationary behaviour of LMSP in level and first difference with intercept and trend. The values in level are -1.900406 and -1.891183 with intercept and trend us higher than the critical value and the series is not integrated with order one. The first difference t statistic values are -7.842122 and -7.779757 with intercept and with intercept and trend respectively are less than the critical value in both the case implies that the series is integrated with order one. Variables level/1st Difference  Augmented Dickey Fuller Statistic(ADF) test UK  t statistic value With Trend t statistic value With trend and Intercept 1% 5% 10% 1% 5% GDP Level -0.690866 -3.522887 Â -2.901779 -2.588280 -2.377333  -4.088713  -3.472558 1st Difference -7.474388 -3.524233  -2.902358 -2.588587 -7.439027  -4.090602  -3.473447 Share Price Level -1.711599 -3.522887 Â -2.901779 -2.588280 -1.261546  -4.088713  -3.472558 1st Difference -7.254574 -3.524233  -2.902358 -2.588587 -7.391821  -4.090602  -3.473447 The results from Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF) for UK GDP in level with intercept and with intercept and trend is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"0.690866 and -2.377333 respectively. Both the values in level are higher than the critical value and are integrated in order 0 shows non stationary behaviour. The t statistic va lues in 1st difference with intercept and with intercept and trend are -7.474388 and -7.439207 respectively. Which suggest that the critical values are less than the critical values in 1%, 5% and 10% level. So from the above hypothesis it can be said that it series is integrated with order one. When I performed the unit root test using the same method the series in level with intercept and with intercept and trend the values in are -1.711599 and -1.261546 respectively. The values are higher than the critical values implies that they are not integrated in order one shows non stationary behaviour. However, the 1st difference value of log natural share price is -7.254573 and -7.391821 with intercept and with intercept and trend respectively. So from the result we can say that the series is integrated in order one in both the cases with intercept and with intercept and trend. So the series in first difference is stationary. Variables level/1st Difference  Augmented Dickey Fuller Statistic(ADF) test USA  t statistic value With Trend t statistic value With trend and Intercept 1% 5% 10% 1% 5% GDP Level -3.244801 -3.522887 Â -2.901779 -2.588280  2.866507  -4.088713  -3.472558 1st Difference -5.010864 -3.524233  -2.902358 -2.588587 -5.750546  -4.090602  -3.473447 Share Price Level -2.074732 -3.522887 Â -2.901779 -2.588280 -0.359637  -4.088713  -3.472558 1st Difference -8.181234 -3.524233  -2.902358 -2.588587 -8.735399  -4.090602  -3.473447 Augmented Dickey Fuller Statistic in case of the variable of USA LUSSP and LUGDP I have used the same method using intercept and intercept and trend in level and first difference. The level t statistic value for LUSGDP is -3.244801 and -2.866507 respectively with intercept and with intercept and trend. Th e result for USA is same as the other country which is higher than the critical values. Proves that the series is not integrated with order one and is non stationary. Whereas the first difference t statistic value for LUSGDP is less than the critical value. The t statistic value LUSGDP with intercept is -5.010864 and -5.750546 with intercept and trend. In this case both the values are lesser than the critical value implies that the series is integrated with order one in first difference. While taking the values in level and 1st difference in case of LUSSP the t statistic value in level are -2.074732 and -0.359637 in level respectively with intercept and wit intercept and trend. Still the series is showing the same nature in level as they are higher than the critical values and the series is not integrated in order 0. The first difference value for LUSSP series with trend and with trend and intercept is -8.181234 and -8.735399 respectively which is less than the critical value implie s the series is integrated with order one. Form the result of Augmented Dickey Fuller test of the four countries variables (Log GDP and Log Share price) shows that the entire variable has unit root at level which proves that the series is not stationary. However, the result from the first difference shows the significance at 1%, 5% and 10% critical value and found to be stationary behaviour. Therefore, it suggests that all the variables are integrated of order one. Co integration Test: Two step procedure of Engle-Granger cointegration is to check for the long run relationship between the variables. The first stage was run by using traditional OLS method. To do this we need to check whether the series is stationary or not. Which we have checked before by doing ADF test on each series. where the result shows that the series is integrated with order (1). Engle-Granger representation theorem that might have an error correction mechanism is the series is integrated. JAPAN: In this case the long run OLS model is as follows in case of Japan: LJGDP = 7.97824432568 + 0.163668097988*LJSP Dependent Variable: LJGDP Method: Least Squares Date: 12/17/09 Time: 20:30 Sample: 1991Q1 2009Q2 Included observations: 74  Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C 7.978244 0.120791 66.04995 LJSP 0.163668 0.048847 3.350602 R-squared 0.134891 Mean dependent var  Adjusted R-squared 0.122876 S.D. dependent var  S.E. of regression 0.099321 Akaike info criterion  Sum squared resid 0.710261 Schwarz criterion  Log likelihood 66.90753 Hannan-Quinn criter.  F-statistic 11.22653 Durbin-Watson stat  Prob(F-statistic) 0.001287   From the above model I have saved the residual series and performed ADF test with trend and without trend and the values are as follows in the table: Unit Root test for residual Series saved residual RJP T statistic Test critical values: 1% level 5% level  With intercept  -2.831807 -3.522887  -2.901779  With intercept and trend  -3.040627  -4.088713  -3.472558 From the above table we can see that the result is significant only in 10% level. Which suggest that there might be a long run relationship between the variables. But there is no long run relationship at 1% and 5% significant level as both the values are higher than the critical value. 2nd stage regression result: LJGDP = 7.96681067902 + 0.170453164194*LJSP + 0.819211725701*RJP(-1) Dependent Variable: LJGDP Method: Least Squares Date: 12/31/09 Time: 18:51 Sample (adjusted): 1991Q2 2009Q2 Included observati ons: 73 after adjustments  Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic     C 7.966811 0.064529 123.4601 LJSP 0.170453 0.026119 6.525992 RJP(-1) 0.819212 0.064206 12.75915     R-squared 0.747462 Mean dependent var  Adjusted R-squared 0.740246 S.D. dependent var  S.E. of regression 0.052906 Akaike info criterion  Sum squared resid 0.195932 Schwarz criterion  Log likelihood 112.5137 Hannan-Quinn criter.  F-statistic 103.5928 Durbin-Watson stat  Prob(F-statistic) 0   2nd stage regression suggest that there is short run relationship between stock market and economic growth. As from the table values after running the regression with the help of one intercept and lagged value of the residual save from the first stage regression. Here we can see that the all the coefficient has positive values and r-sruared (0.747462) is less than the Durbin-Watson value (1.958683). So form the results we can see that there exists a short run relationship between stock market and economic growth. Malaysia Following the same stages on Malaysia, by running the regression on OLS to check the long run relationship between stock market and economic growth in Malasia. The equation to check the first stage regression is: LMGDP = 8.2331829641 + 0.340689829517*LMSP The result from the above regression are described in the following table: Dependent Variable: LMGDP Method: Least Squares Date: 12/17/09 Time: 21:00 Sample: 1991Q1 2009Q2 Included obse rvations: 74  Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C 8.233183 0.644484 12.77484 LMSP 0.34069 0.116332 2.928597 R-squared 0.106441 Mean dependent var  Adjusted R-squared 0.094031 S.D. dependent var  S.E. of regression 0.388243 Akaike info criterion  Sum squared resid 10.85275 Schwarz criterion  Log likelihood -33.97453 Hannan-Quinn criter.  F-statistic 8.576678 Durbin-Watson stat  Prob(F-statistic) 0.004557   Unit Root test for residual Series T statistic Test critical values: 1% level 5% level  With intercept  -1.301997 -3.522887  -2.901779  With intercept and trend  -3.975164  -4.088713  -3.472558 From the above regression and after saving the residual I performed and ADF test with trend and without trend on the residual series. Here the result suggests that the t statistic value is higher than the critical values of 1%, 5% and 10% level. Which suggest that residual series is non stationary and there is no relationship between the variables in long run. The estimated equation in error correction model is as follows: LMGDP = 8.13761928798 + 0.360964712114*LMSP + 0.965225800038*R(-1) Dependent Variable: LMGDP Method: Least Squares Date: 01/01/10 Time: 23:15 Sample (adjusted): 1991Q2 2009Q2 Included observations: 73 after adjustments  Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C 8.137619 0.147701 55.09505 LMSP 0.360965 0.02665 13.54478 R(-1) 0.965226 0.027335 35.31042     R-squared 0.952382 Mean dependent var  Adjusted R-squared 0.951022 S.D. dependent var  S.E. of regression 0.088766 Akaike info criterion  Sum squared resid 0.551553 Schwarz criterion  Log likelihood 74.7374 Hannan-Quinn criter.  F-statistic 700.0218 Durbin-Watson stat  Prob(F-statistic) 0   2nd stage results are suggesting about the short run relationship between the variables. As we can see from the is less than the Durbin-Watson Statistic. So from the result we can say that there exist a co-integrating relationship between stock market and economic growth in short run. UK Considering the case of UK to find out the relationship both in long and short run I used the same procedure to find out the relationship. As all the variables are integrated with order one which suggests the variables are stationary. Now by applying the Engle Granger cointegration method to estimate the co integrating vector in OLS and then examining the residual series. Cointegration for the long run depends on the residual series. Here I defined the residual series a RUK for the variables LUGDP (log of UK GDP) and LUSP(log of UK share price). If we look at the table of the unit root test for the residual series of the Co-integrating regression of LUGDP and LUSP the residual series RUK is -1.355485 with intercept and  -2.426938 with intercept and trend. Where both the result for unit root test by applying Augmented Dickey Fuller test suggests that the residual series has a nonstationary behaviour in both the case with intercept and with intercept and trend. As the critica l value for at 1%, 5% and 10% is -3.522887, -3.522887 and -2.588280 respectively with intercept and -4.088713, -3.472558 and -3.163450with intercept and trend. As the t statistic value is higher than the critical values in both the case, so from the result we can say that the residual series in non stationary and there is no long run relationship between the variable. Dependent Variable: LUGDP Method: Least Squares Date: 12/17/09 Time: 21:10 Sample: 1991Q1 2009Q2 Included observations: 74  Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic     C 6.41427 0.52629 12.18771 LUSP 0.790239 0.064275 12.29475 R-squared 0.677363 Mean dependent var  Adjusted R-squared 0.672882 S.D. dependent var  S.E. of regression 0.190291 Akaike info criterion  Sum squared resid 2.607181 Schwarz criterion  Log likelihood 18.79298 Hannan-Quinn criter.  F-statistic 151.1608 Durbin-Watson stat  Prob(F-statistic) 0   Unit Root test for residual Series residual saved t statistic Test critical values: RUK  1% level 5% level  With Intercept  -1.355485 -3.522887  -2.901779  With intercept and trend  -2.426938 -4.088713 -3.472558 2nd stage Dependent Variable: LUGDP Method: Least Squares Date: 01/04/10 Time: 17:57 Sample (adjusted): 1991Q2 2009Q2 Included observations: 73 after adjustments      Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic     C 6.375942 0.207063 30.79235 LUSP 0.795176 0.025265 31.47291 RUK(-1) 0.937553 0.046342 20.23103 R-squared 0.952647 Mean dependent var  Adjusted R-squared 0.951294 S.D. dependent var  S.E. of regression 0.073512 Akaike info criterion  Sum squared resid 0.378285 Schwarz criterion  Log likelihood 88.50121 Hannan-Quinn criter.  F-statistic 704.1223 Durbin-Watson stat  Prob(F-statistic) 0   USA In case of USA to find out the relationship between stock market and economic growth using Engle Granger cointegration method we find the following results. LUSGDP = 6.422388123 + 0.32041281224*LUSSP Dependent Variable: LUSGDP Method: Least Squares Date: 12/31/09 Time: 02:02 Sample: 1991Q1 2009Q2 Included observations: 74  Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic     C 6.422388 0.140166 45.82 LUSSP 0.320413 0.015722 20.38041 R-squared 0.852266 Mean dependent var  Adjusted R-squared 0.850214 S.D. dependent var  S.E. of regression 0.064359 Akaike info criterion  Sum squared resid 0.29823 Schwarz criterion  Log likelihood 99.01496 Hannan-Quinn criter.  F-statistic 415.3609 Durbin-Watson stat  Prob(F-statistic) 0   Unit Root test for residual Series Residual saved (RUS) T statistic Test critical values: 1% level 5% level With intercept -0.638033 -3.522887 -2.901779 With intercept and trend -1.430799 -4.088713 -3.472558 After saving the residuals from the 1st stage regression RUS I did the ADF test on it where we can see the t statistic value is literally higher than the 1%, 5% and 10% critical value in both the cases with intercept and with intercept and trend. As we can see the critical values are -3.552287, -2.901779 and -2.588280 with intercept, -1.430799, -3.472558 and -3.163450 in 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. So the possibility for having long run relationship between GDP and stock price doesnt exist in case of USA. 2nd stage regression: Dependent Variable: LUSGDP Method: Least Squares Date: 01/05/10 Time: 21:36 Sample (adjusted): 1991Q2 2009Q2 Included observations: 73 after adjustments      Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C 6.400276 0.051084 125.29 LUSSP 0.323107 0.005722 56.46591 RUS(-1) 0.972896 0.043361 22.43708 R-squared 0.981148 Mean dependent var  Adjusted R-squared 0.980609 S.D. dependent var  S.E. of regression 0.022805 Akaike info criterion  Sum squared resid 0.036405 Schwarz criterion  Log likelihood 173.9453 Hannan-Quinn criter.  F-statistic 1821.53 Durbin-Watson stat  Prob(F-statistic) 0   Granger Causality test: I performed the Granger Causality test using the first difference on series DLJGDP and DLJSP, DLMSP and DLMGDP, DLUSGDP and DLUSSP and between DLUGDP and DLUSP Pair wise Granger Causality Tests Sample: 1991Q1 2009Q2 Lags: 3   Null Hypothesis: F-Statistic DLJGDP does not Granger Cause DLJSP 1.08475 DLJSP does not Granger Cause DLJGDP 1.38425 DLMSP does not Granger Cause DLMGDP 15.767 DLMGDP does not Granger Cause DLMSP 1.29015 DLUSSP does not Granger Cause DLUSGDP 3.36502 DLUSGDP does not Granger Cause DLUSSP 0.40935 DLUSP does not Granger Cause DLUGDP 4.59524 DLUGDP does not Granger Cause DLUSP 0.76991 From the Granger Causality result table we can see that to reject the null hypotheses the GDP does not because LJSP, here from result we can see the chances to of occurring error type is 1 and is 36.21%. And the probability is too great that GDP does not causing DLJSP to reject the null hypothesis. Moreover, LJSP is causing GDP is also too great to reject the null hypothesis is before. There exist no causal relationship in both the direction. While considering the result from the causality relationship between DLMSP and DLMGDP I founded the same kind of result. Here it is showing tha t GDP does not cause DLMSP. And in the same way LMSP does not cause the DLGDP. As the f statistic value is too high to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is no causal relationship between GDP growth and stock price index yield in case of Malaysia. However, the Granger causality result in case of USA shows a slightly bit different result than the other countries. Here probability of USSP does not granger causing USGDP is too big to reject the null hypothesis. On the other hand we can reject the null that USGDP does not granger causing USSP. The results suggest the existence of causal relationship between the variable. In case of UK we could find any causal relationship between the variable as in both the cases the probability that UGDP does not granger cause USP and USP does not granger cause UGDP is too great to reject the null hypothesis. So, from the above result we can say there is no causal relationship between the variables GDP and economic growth indicator e xcept UK. Analysis of the result: Analysis: The purpose of the paper was to assess the relationship between stock market and Economic Growth. The empirical study was done on the basis of Cointegration test and Causality frame work. The tests were done using the variables quarterly data on GDP and quarterly data on share price index of four countries Japan, Malaysia, The UK and The USA for the period 1991 Q1 to 2009 Q2. In my study the findings from the empirical results are: No long run relationship between stock market Growth and Economic Growth in Japan No long run relationship between stock market Growth and Economic Growth in Japan No long run relationship between stock market Growth and Economic Growth in The UK and USA While analyzing my work, I found some significance and some insignificance in my results. UK and USA stock markets are considered as developed stock market. Randall Filler (200) stock market activity and future economic growth is related with each other specially in developing economies and there may have some effect of the stock market in developed economy which may not be essential. MY study shows the same result as my results shows that there is no long run relationship. If I consider the Levine Zervos (1998), Beck and Levine (2004), No long run relationship between stock market Growth and Economic Growth in The USA
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
British Healthcare - Magnitude of Social Inequalities, Social Gradients and Exclusion, Selection of Health Determinants Free Essay Example, 2750 words
The evidence on the links between the socioeconomic status and the and their health has generated 2 kinds of policy responses. Firstly the poorest circumstances and the poorest health is related, amongst the most socially excluded, those with most risk factors and difficult to reach ones. This parameter is important in linking health inequalities to the social exclusion agenda and thus focusing on policies at the community levels. As per the policy intervention terms, this leads to lift the worst out of extreme situations in which they found themselves. If effective also it will benefit a very niche fraction of the population. In the case of the second approach, it reveals that those who are in poorer circumstances are in the poorest health. This means that not only the poorest groups and communities who have poorer health than those in the most advantageous positions. There is a large number of people who may not be defined as socially excluded are relatively disadvantaged in health terms like the aged population. Prevention and other interventions could be useful in providing major improvements in their health and as a consequence will provide proportionate savings in the national health care systems. Selection of Health DeterminantsFor the first time in the history of Britain, health equity is placed along with the health gain as the core objective of the public health policy. We will write a custom essay sample on British Healthcare - Magnitude of Social Inequalities, Social Gradients and Exclusion, Selection of Health Determinants or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Taming Of The Shrew And 10 Things I Hate About You...
How has the process of detecting intertextual relationships between texts also enriched your understanding of a significant cultural issue or idea? â€Å" The explicit and implicit subjects of this play - arranged marriages, the authority of fathers and husbands, the obedience expected from daughters and wives, the economic helplessness of most women - were issues and experiences that touched the lives of everyone in Shakespeare’s audience.†– Dorothea Kehler Detecting intertextual relationships between The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare and 10 Things I Hate About You directed by Gil Junger has enriched my understanding of feminism in the American society. The Taming of The Shrew, written in 1593, challenges cultural expectations of women’s rights at that time. 10 Things I Hate About You however, was produced to fit the context of 1990’s America. A period when a great deal of anxiety was focused on adolescent girls, following publication of reports which found that the education of adolescent girls was marginalized. In the 16th century, it may have been a historical fact that Eve was created from Adam’s rib, thus the socially accepted system of patriarchy. The Taming of The Shrew promotes typical 16th century attitudes towards matrimony and relations between fathers and daughters. Baptista, Katherine’s father, treats marriage as a transaction, where his daughters are the commodities to be exchanged. â€Å"Faith gentlemen, now I play a merchant’s part and ventureShow MoreRelatedThe Taming Of The Shrew Analysis1334 Words  | 6 Pagestoxic and destructive. Shakespeare’s 1590s play ‘The taming of the shrew’ is a representation of mainstream society views and ideologies of the Elizabethan era. The play display what woman should do and not do. The play is a precise preservation of how female and males acted towards one another and singularly. Since the play has first be released ideas and belief over certain genders and their roles have changed. The play ‘The taming of the shrew’ which once embodied a love story is now seen a misogynisticRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew1313 Words  | 6 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew is a comedy/love story written by Shakespeare between 1590 and 1592. However, in the current era with new beliefs of men and women’s roles, The Taming of The Shrew is seen as pure misogyny. The plot of the play follows the idea that Bianca, the youngest daughter, is a beautiful young girl with lots of male attention and is eager to wed, though her wealthy father will not allow it until her older hot-tempered sister also has a suitor. Many modern films has been made on thisRead More10 Things I Hate about You and The Taming of the Shrew1171 Words  | 5 Pagesfilm â€Å"10 Things I Hate About You†is based loosely on William Shakespeare’s 15th century play â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew†. The misogynistic play tells the story of how Petrucio essentially torments his headstrong wife, Katharina (also called â€Å"Katherine†and â€Å"Kate†) until she â€Å"becomes a compliant and obedient bride†(wikipedia). The story simultaneously follows the story of many suitors competing for the love of Katharina’s sister, Bianca (Wikipedia). The film adaptation, â€Å"10 Things I Hate About Youâ€
Data Security And Data Privacy Essay Example For Students
Data Security And Data Privacy Essay Data privacy refers to the sensitive information that individuals, organizations or other entities would not like to expose to the external world. For example, medical records can be one kind of privacy data. Privacy data usually contain sensitive information that is very important to its owner and should be processed carefully. Data privacy is not equal to data security. Data security ensures that data or information systems are protected from invalid operations, including unauthorized access, use, exposure, damage, modification, copy, deletion and so on. Data security can’t guarantee data privacy and vice versa. Figure 1 shows the relation between data security and data privacy. A represents the situation where data privacy is violated while data security is not. For example, an authorized user may expose sensitive information stored in the system by mistake. The exposure operation is authorized, i.e. data security is not violated. However, sensitive information stored in the system is exposed to the public, which indicates the violation of data privacy. On the contrary, C presents the situation where data privacy is not violated while data security is. One simple example is that an unauthorized user accesses and modifies the data. There is no information exposure/theft (i.e. data privacy violation). In case of B, both data security and data privacy are not violated. In this paper, we focus on data privacy instead of data security.Since data privacy is always associated with sensitive data (e.g. SSNs, bank accounts, medical records and so on), the violation of data privacy can cause very serious consequences like identity thefts. Therefore, privacy preservation is very necessary and important.Obviously, the purpose of privacy. . home address are included) in Massachusetts based on the values of gender, birthday and zip code, Sweeney successfully identified the medical records of most people. 9From the above discussion, traditional data privacy is exposed by direct disclosure and privacy preservation can be implemented via cryptography. In big data era, the way of privacy leakage is not only limited to directing disclosing, but also data inference and speculation. It is costly to apply cryptography on all data because of the huge volume of big data. Therefore, it is not hard to find that due to the special characteristics of big data, traditional privacy preservation methods can t be applied directly on big data. New technologies need to put forward. In addition, And when it comes to privacy preservation in big data, both unauthorized exposure and unwanted inference should be considered.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The House I Want to Live in free essay sample
The House I Want To Live In The house of my dream is a two-storeyed blue cottage with a bluish roof in picturesque suburb near the Pacific Ocean. The porch is below ground level because there is a long staircase leading to the hall. In the hall we see another staircase which leads from the hall to the landing on the first floor. On the right there is a dining room. There is a little table and four black chairs for guests. On the left there is a living room where we can gether with my family, watch TV and relax. The room is almost white because of white wallpapers and furniture. It is very spacious. In the middle of the sitting room we have a table with a few armchairs and sofas around it. A big green plant near the table makes the lounge more colourful and vivid. There is also a nice bouquet and a couple of books on the table. We will write a custom essay sample on The House I Want to Live in or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Next to the lounge is a kitchen. It’s very modern and bright. There is a black and white chequered floor, a large red table and two stools. As for some electrical gadgets used for preparing, there are a lot of them: a dishwasher, a range, a hotplate, a fridge, a freezer, a toaster, a coffeemaker, a cooker hood and so on. There are also a lot of utensils in a drawers: some canisters, can and bottle openers, pot holders, scouring pads, casserole dishes, pots etc. In front of the table there is a big picture of a red apple. On the first floor there is a bedroom, a nursery, a bathroom and a lavatory. The bedroom is painted in white and green colors to give the effect of space. There is a big bed and a pretty picture above it, a wooden dressing-table and a bedside cabinet. The nursery looks fantastic because the walls recall the night sky. They ornamented with a lot of bright stars. The parquet is grey and all the furniture is white: an armchair, a bed, the drawers, a bookcase and a wardrobe. The standard-lamp has a pleasant yellow light. It’s not very bright, so that doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. A bathroom and a lavatory are painted in a white and green colours like a bedroom. The bathroom is very cousy because there is also an armchair near the bathtub and a large window with a nice picturesque scenery of the beach. It’s not tiled. We have all the modern conveniences here: an electricity, a gas, a running-water, a central heating, a telephone, a toilet, a rubbish chute, but we have no lift. In front of the house there is a big lawn and orchard. At the back of the house is a garage where we keep our car and a boat. Also there is a perfect landing for contemplating and relaxing because there is a fantastic scenery of gorgeous beach.
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